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March 2009: David returns from Panama
Llano Bonito
The pour-flush water seal latrines installed make use of low cost technology, with easy and simple maintenance, which help to prevent diseases that are caused by the improper disposal of human waste. It also eliminates the chance of insect breeding or infiltration by other species - a need that became very real when a pit latrine was used by the group at another location. The surprise of having a bat flying out of the pit while one is concentrating on other affairs could not be adequately described here!
The group left extra building materials, tools, and directions, which will allow the natives to build a few more of these latrines on their own.
Parque Metropolitano
David also visited Panama City's Metropolitan Park to deliver a live trap and other supplies that were donated to help with their wildlife rehabilitation work. Upon arrival, he learned that Jessica Rosas has returned to her native Argentina, but the Park's important conservation work has been taken on by the equally dedicated Amelia Munoz Harris.
The needs in that part of the world are great and, if you can help in any way, please check out the Get Involved section of the web site or contact us. With your help and generosity we can make a real difference to the people and to wildlife conservation in that little corner of the world.
About AFC Flag Expeditions
To read more about the AFC Flag Expedition Program and David's AFC Flag Expedition to Panama (journal, photos, etc.) visit