October 2008: Collector's Edition of Flag Expedition
Journal and The Art of Conservation exhibition
The Art of Conservation
its 10th anniversary, the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Foundation
launched its first annual juried exhibition, featuring the art of its
members. The Art of Conservation celebrates artistic
excellence in the depiction of nature, raises awareness of conservation
issues, and directly supports organizations dedicated to addressing
them. The Wildlife Conservation Society, based in New York City
and one of the world's largest and most respected conservation
organizations, has been selected as the beneficiary for 2008.
David attended the opening weekend at the Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum (HBAM),
which included field trips, a lecture evening (where David was one of
the presenters, with a slide show on his Harpy Eagle AFC Flag Expedition
to Panama), dinner/awards evening, group photo session, and opening
cocktail reception afternoon. To read all about the show,
order a copy of the Show Companion book, view a slideshow of the opening
weekend, and video clips of the presentations, visit the AFC site (www.artistsforconservation.org).
Expedition Journal Collector's Edition
Three of the AFC Flag Expeditions are featured as part of
The Art of Conservation, including David's Flag Expedition to
Panama. During the opening weekend, the AFC also released a
Collector's Edition of David's Flag Expedition Journal.
These are leather-bound books of exceptional quality, that reproduce
David's journal in its entirety. This is a limited edition
of only 100 copies, and each book measures approximately 15" x 11 1/2"
horizontal - large enough to display a full two-page spread of the
journal on each page at nearly full-size. It has a windowed black
leather cover, and ultra-heavy stock. This is your chance to
obtain a unique record of David's Flag Expedition, while supporting the
AFC Foundation and future Flag Expeditions. The books are priced
at US$500 (plus shipping and any applicable taxes), and can be ordered
by contacting the AFC directly at
About AFC Flag Expeditions
The AFC Flag Expeditions Program is a unique program established and
operated by the Artists for Conservation Foundation. The Program
makes possible the field study and artistic rendering of endangered
species and habitats deserving of greater public attention, with a
strong emphasis on the study of unique, threatened habitats, and rare or
endangered species in remote parts of the world. AFC Signature
Members can apply for support and the privilege of carrying
the flag of this exclusive group of distinguished artists on their
To read more
about the AFC Flag Expedition Program and David's AFC Flag Expedition to Panama (journal, photos, etc.)