Art ClassesInstructional DVDsArt Tips
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Prices and General Information
Impact Picture Framing 4034 - 7th Street SE Calgary, AB
Class Prices
$35.00 per class, times the number of classes available in the month. Total monthly cost will vary depending on the number of weeks in that particular month. Students presently enrolled can retain their spot by submitting advanced payment at the end of the current month. Cheques may be post-dated. Cheques for payment of classes should be made payable to David N. Kitler.
Receipts If you need a receipt, bring one to class and David will be happy to sign it.
Bank Charges If a problem occur with a student's cheque (i.e. NSF cheques), a charge of $40 will apply.
Missed Classes Missed classes can generally be made up in any of David's classes (other than the one the student is enrolled in) within 30 days. Please call David in advance to confirm space availability.